School Assistant English TET & DSC syllabus
Language – SA-English (CONTENT & Methodology)
(Marks: 60)
Language – SA-English (CONTENT & Methodology)
(Marks: 60)
2024 AP DSC total syllabus playlist (అన్నీ ఉచిత వీడియోలే. వీటి pdf లు దిగువన ఉన్నాయి.)
2024 AP TET DSC SA English Methodology Playlist (అన్నీ ఉచిత వీడియోలే. వీటి pdf లు దిగువన ఉన్నాయి.)
(Note : Phonetics not included)
(Note : Phonetics not included)
Coming soon1. 8 poems pdf2. Self-reliance (R.W.Emerson) pdf
Literary Terms updated PDF (50 MCQs & Answers included)
Animal Farm 10 Chapters Story Notes Main points PDF
Animal farm 275 MCQs Chapter Wise 10 x 25 = 250 MCQs PDF
English Grammar Class-wise
Inter 1st Year Inter 2nd Year
AP DSC SA English Total Syllabus
Proficiency Test syllabus total videos
Proficiency Test model papers
⧪నా సైకాలజీ పుస్తకపు Mindmaps ⧪
⧭AP DSC SGT SA ఉద్యోగ సాధనకు ఎలా చదవాలి?⧭
Language – SA-English (CONTENT & Methodology)
(Marks: 60)
Content - Marks: 48
గమనిక: 6 cbse , 8th class, 9th class, 10th class single వీడియోలు గా చెయ్యడం వల్ల టాపిక్ వైజ్ లలో add చెయ్యలేదు. అవి కూడా prepare అవ్వాలి.
Antonyms Identification I 7th Class I 3rd new I 5th w001 I w002 I
Homophones Identification I 001 I 002 I 5th new I 7th new I Test 001 I
Homonyms Identification I 001 I 002 I 1- 10 Total I
Hypernyms & Hyponyms Identification & Usage
Spelling Spelling I 4th new I Degree I
One-word Substitutes Referring to Persons / Professions, Places, Collections
Phrasal Verbs Identification of Meaning I 001 I 7th new I 1-10 Total I 7cbse I 8cbse I 9cbse I
Idiomatic Expressions Identification, Usage 8 cbse 001 I 8 cbse 002 I
I 50 Idioms list (Imp) I SBI previous Qs I 7th Class I Fish I Animals I
Proverbs Proverbs
Word Formation Suffixes and Prefixes I 001 I 5th new I 002 I 003 I 4th new 001 I 002 I 003 I 004 I
9 cbse 001 I 9 cbse 002 I 9 cbse 003 I 7cbse I
Short Forms - Full Forms common Short Forms - Full Forms
Abbreviations - Full Forms Common Abbreviations - Full Forms
Word Collocations Word Collocations I ఎలా అడుగుతారు ? I 4th new I 001 I 002 I 003 I 004 I 005 I 006 I
Foreign Phrases Used in English Standard and Common Foreign Phrases
Used in English
Question Tags Imperatives and Statements I 001 I 002 I Statements I Imperatives I Explained I 001 I 002 I
Types of Sentences Types of Sentences I 1 minute Challenge I 002 I 6th new I 4th new 001 I 002 I
Short Forms - Full Forms common Short Forms - Full Forms
Abbreviations - Full Forms Common Abbreviations - Full Forms
Word Collocations Word Collocations I ఎలా అడుగుతారు ? I 4th new I 001 I 002 I 003 I 004 I 005 I 006 I
Foreign Phrases Used in English Standard and Common Foreign Phrases
Used in English
Helping Verbs Forms, contractions I 4th New I 5th New I H001 I H002 I
Modal Auxiliaries Form, Function & Contractions I 6th new I Degree I 001 I
Ordinary Verbs Form, Function & Contractions I 9th Class I 6th new I Types I
Articles Use of Articles I 001 I 002 I 003 I 6th new I 3ws 001 I 002 I Degree I 002 I I 7cbse I
Prepositions Simple Prepositions Including I 7th Class I 002 I 003 I 3rd new I 4th new I 5th new I
Modal Auxiliaries Form, Function & Contractions I 6th new I Degree I 001 I
Ordinary Verbs Form, Function & Contractions I 9th Class I 6th new I Types I
Articles Use of Articles I 001 I 002 I 003 I 6th new I 3ws 001 I 002 I Degree I 002 I I 7cbse I
Prepositions Simple Prepositions Including I 7th Class I 002 I 003 I 3rd new I 4th new I 5th new I
Prepositions following Certain Words 5th W001 I Test 001 I Test 002 I Deg 001 I 002 I 003 I 7th new I 3rd WB I
Clauses I That I 9th p54 I Test 001 I Test 002 I I 9 CBSE I
Main Clauses, sub-ordinate Clauses I 001 I
Noun Clauses, I 001 I Noun Clauses Vs Adjective Clauses I Indirect Speech I
If Clauses, I **Type 123*** I 6th Class I I 9 CBSE I 7cbse I
Relative Clauses I 001 I 002 I
Finite and Non Finite Clauses I 001 I I Exercises 10th I
( Gerund (TET & DSC) , Present Participle (10th Class) )
Adverb Clauses I 001 I T001 I T002 I T003 I T004 I T005 I
Sentence Structures Basic Sentence Structures
Degrees of Comparison Form, Function, Construction, I 1 minute I Tips & Tricks I Errors I
Transformation I Test 001 I Test 002 I Test 003 I Test 004 I 6th new I 002 I 003 I
Language Functions Language Functions with social norms I 5th new I 6th 001 I 002 I 003 I
(School and domestic context) 7th new 001 I 002 I
Clauses I That I 9th p54 I Test 001 I Test 002 I I 9 CBSE I
Main Clauses, sub-ordinate Clauses I 001 I
Noun Clauses, I 001 I Noun Clauses Vs Adjective Clauses I Indirect Speech I
If Clauses, I **Type 123*** I 6th Class I I 9 CBSE I 7cbse I
Relative Clauses I 001 I 002 I
Finite and Non Finite Clauses I 001 I I Exercises 10th I
( Gerund (TET & DSC) , Present Participle (10th Class) )
Adverb Clauses I 001 I T001 I T002 I T003 I T004 I T005 I
Sentence Structures Basic Sentence Structures
Degrees of Comparison Form, Function, Construction, I 1 minute I Tips & Tricks I Errors I
Transformation I Test 001 I Test 002 I Test 003 I Test 004 I 6th new I 002 I 003 I
Language Functions Language Functions with social norms I 5th new I 6th 001 I 002 I 003 I
(School and domestic context) 7th new 001 I 002 I
Question Tags Imperatives and Statements I 001 I 002 I Statements I Imperatives I Explained I 001 I 002 I
Types of Sentences Types of Sentences I 1 minute Challenge I 002 I 6th new I 4th new 001 I 002 I
Active Voice & Passive Voice Active Voice & Passive Voice
I Tricks & Tips I Practice I 6th new I 7th new I 8 cbse 001 I 9 Cbse I
Tenses Use of tenses 8 cbse 001 I 8 cbse 002 I 8 cbse 003 I 8 cbse 004 I
I Tricks & Tips I Practice I 6th new I 7th new I 8 cbse 001 I 9 Cbse I
Tenses Use of tenses 8 cbse 001 I 8 cbse 002 I 8 cbse 003 I 8 cbse 004 I
Agreement between subject & I 4th new I 5th new I
Verb Agreement between subject & Verb I Inter Exercise 001 I Inter Exercise 002 I 003 I
Word Order Word Order In a phrase or a sentence I 4th new I 5th new I 5thWB I
I #DOSASCOPMN I 6th Class I TET I 8 cbse Sentences I 8 cbse Adj I
I Order of PRONOUNS I I 5th WB I
Parts of Speech Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, I 9 cbse I
I Conjunctive Adverbs I Adj 9 cbse I
Linkers Linkers I 4th new I 002 I 5th new I 5th workbook I 9th Class I
Transformation of Sentences Simple, Compound and Complex
Sentences I 1 Minute I Previous Qs I Test 001 I Test 002 I I Difficult Qs I
I Conjunctive Adverbs I Test 003 I Test 004 I Test 005 I Test 006 I
Common Errors Based on all Vocabulary and Grammar
Topics I 7th Class I Intermediate 001 I Inter 002 I Errors I
Common Errors Based on all Vocabulary and Grammar
Topics I 7th Class I Intermediate 001 I Inter 002 I Errors I
Punctuation I 3rd new I 002 I 4th new 001 I 002 I 003 I 004 I Rules I Exercises I 5th new I
Punctuation I 3rd new I 002 I 4th new 001 I 002 I 003 I 004 I Rules I Exercises I 5th new I
I 9cbse I
Capitalization Use of capital letters, comma, full stop,
question mark and exclamation mark I 5th new I
question mark and exclamation mark I 5th new I
of Discourses
Letter writing, news report, diary entry, conversation, description, biographical sketch, story, script for a speech
Writing of Discourses (30 minutes)
Letter Components, I 9 CBSE I
I 4th new I 002 I 003 I 7th new I 002 I DICTIONARY SKILLS I
Phonetics I Phonetics I D.Ed Phonetics V.Imp I Mock Test I
Stress I Stress Inter 002 I 8 cbse 001 I 8 cbse 002 I 7cbse I
Phonetic Transcription and stress
marking including intonation in context
Prose Prose (general)
(SA English TET 2024 Syllabus below)
Poetical Types, Dramatic Types, The Essay, The Novel,
The Short Story I Stages of Story I Elements of a STORY I Story previously asked Questions I
Poetical Types
prosody (updated)
Literary Terms updated PDF (50 MCQs & Answers included)
*Parallelism, Prologue, epilogue, setting, the character,
metre, diction, imagery, prosody, point of view, epic,
mock epic, choreography, narration, classic, chorus,
comedy, tragedy, conflict, plot, criticism, discourse,
empathy, sympathy, style, theatre, feminism, soliloquy,
folklore, structure;
*Figures of Speech - Simile, Metaphor, Apostrophe,
Personification, Metonymy, Synecdoche, irony and
*Rhyme Scheme
Literary Comprehension
Poetry (Detailed Study)
i) Poetry – (Sonnet, Ode, Elegy, Ballad, Lyric, Dramatic
Monologue, Meter, Diction, Imagery, Prosody).
*Parallelism, Prologue, epilogue, setting, the character,
metre, diction, imagery, prosody, point of view, epic,
mock epic, choreography, narration, classic, chorus,
comedy, tragedy, conflict, plot, criticism, discourse,
empathy, sympathy, style, theatre, feminism, soliloquy,
folklore, structure;
*Figures of Speech - Simile, Metaphor, Apostrophe,
Personification, Metonymy, Synecdoche, irony and
*Rhyme Scheme
Literary Comprehension
Poetry (Detailed Study)
i) Poetry – (Sonnet, Ode, Elegy, Ballad, Lyric, Dramatic
Monologue, Meter, Diction, Imagery, Prosody).
prosody (updated)
1. Where the Mind Is without Fear (RabindranathTagore)
2. A Slumber did my spirit seal (William Wordsworth)
2. A Slumber did my spirit seal (William Wordsworth)
Prose / Essay (Detailed Study)
1. Of Studies (Francis Bacon)
Of Studies - Francis Bacon Full text Notes and Practice 25 MCQs (Answers Included) PDF
2. What Makes a Nation (C. Rajagopalachari)
Summary I Q & As I About Author I
What Makes a Nation Raja Gopalachari Full Text Summary 75 Multiple Choice Questions (PDF)
Novels (Detailed Study)
Novel (Fiction , Point of View, Setting, Style, Narration).
1. Animal Farm (George Orwell)
Animal Farm 10 Chapters Story Notes Main points PDF
Animal farm 275 MCQs Chapter Wise 10 x 25 = 250 MCQs PDF
Animal Farm (George Orwell) 002
To kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee)
To Kill a Mocking Bird 31 Chapters Summary 50 MCQs (with Answers)
Drama (Detailed Study)
Drama (In terms of Structure, Characters, Dialogues, Setting).
Drama (Detailed Study)
Drama (In terms of Structure, Characters, Dialogues, Setting).
1. Twelfth Night (William Shakespeare)
2.The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar
Wilde) Short Story (Detailed Study)
Short Story (Detailed Study)
New Methodology for SA TET & DSC
(Note : Phonetics not included)
(Note : Phonetics not included)
1. Aspects of language (English Language
History, Nature, Importance, Principles of
English as Second language and problems
of Teaching / learning English)
2. objectives of Teaching English
3. Development of language Skills
(Listening, Speaking, Reading and
Writing; Communicative Skills and
Imparting values through
4. Approaches, Methods and Techniques
of Teaching English (Introduction,
Definition, Types of Approaches,
Methods and Techniques of Teaching
including Remedial Teaching)
5. Teaching of Structures, Vocabulary and
6. teaching Learning Materials in English
7. Lesson Planning
8. Curriculum and Textbooks -
Importance and need
9. Evaluation in English Language
10. pronunciation, Phonetics and Phonetic
School Assistant English DSC Syllabus 2024
History, Nature, Importance, Principles of
English as Second language and problems
of Teaching / learning English)
2. objectives of Teaching English
3. Development of language Skills
(Listening, Speaking, Reading and
Writing; Communicative Skills and
Imparting values through
4. Approaches, Methods and Techniques
of Teaching English (Introduction,
Definition, Types of Approaches,
Methods and Techniques of Teaching
including Remedial Teaching)
5. Teaching of Structures, Vocabulary and
6. teaching Learning Materials in English
7. Lesson Planning
8. Curriculum and Textbooks -
Importance and need
9. Evaluation in English Language
10. pronunciation, Phonetics and Phonetic
School Assistant English DSC Syllabus 2024
Poetical Types
prosody (updated)
Literary Terms
Literary Terms updated PDF (50 MCQs & Answers included)
*Parallelism, Prologue, epilogue, setting, the character,
metre, diction, imagery, prosody, point of view, epic,
mock epic, choreography, narration, classic, chorus,
comedy, tragedy, conflict, plot, criticism, discourse,
empathy, sympathy, style, theatre, feminism, soliloquy,
folklore, structure;
*Figures of Speech - Simile, Metaphor, Apostrophe,
Personification, Metonymy, Synecdoche, irony and
*Rhyme Scheme
Poetry (Detailed
1. Where the Mind Is without Fear (RabindranathTagore)
2. The cloud (P.B.Shelly)
3. The Nation's Strength (R.W.Emerson)
4. Palanquin Bearers (Sarojini Naidu)
5. The Road Not Taken (Robert Frost)
6. A Slumber did my spirit seal (William Wordsworth)
7. Telephone Conversation (Wole Soyinka)
8. The Night of the Scorpion (Nissim Ezekiel)
Prose / Essay (Detailed Study)
2. Self-reliance (R.W.Emerson) I Value and Barriers I Individual I Society I
I 001 I 002 I
3. On Shaking Hands (A.G.Gardiner)
4. What Makes a Nation (C. Rajagopalachari)
Summary I Q & As I About Author I
1. Where the Mind Is without Fear (RabindranathTagore)
2. The cloud (P.B.Shelly)
3. The Nation's Strength (R.W.Emerson)
4. Palanquin Bearers (Sarojini Naidu)
5. The Road Not Taken (Robert Frost)
6. A Slumber did my spirit seal (William Wordsworth)
7. Telephone Conversation (Wole Soyinka)
8. The Night of the Scorpion (Nissim Ezekiel)
Prose / Essay (Detailed Study)
1. Of Studies (Francis Bacon)
2. Self-reliance (R.W.Emerson) I Value and Barriers I Individual I Society I
I 001 I 002 I
3. On Shaking Hands (A.G.Gardiner)
4. What Makes a Nation (C. Rajagopalachari)
Summary I Q & As I About Author I
I Hero I Swami is expelled from school I summary I
I Watch in TELUGUI Watch in Hindi with English Subtitles I
Drama (Detailed Study)
1. Twelfth Night (William Shakespeare)
2.The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar
Wilde) Short Story (Detailed Study)
Short Story (Detailed Study)
3. After Twenty Years (O' Henry)
4. The Thief (Ruskin Bond)
SA TET previous papers official website
SA SYLLABUS official site
DSC website
SA DSC previous papers official website
1. Macbeth in 15 mins (William Shakespeare)
Macbeth Summary (William Shakespeare)
Lady Macbeth Speech from Macbeth Act 1 Scene 5 (William Shakespeare)
Macbeth Important questions (William Shakespeare)
Great job sir, very useful for DSC aspirients
ReplyDeleteThank you sir
ReplyDeleteThank you so much sir
ReplyDeleteThanks sir
ReplyDeleteYou have done a good job words to appreciate you
ReplyDeleteexcellent work, it is useful and helpful for dsc and other aspirants also. continue your work.........
ReplyDeleteTq will be very easy..
ReplyDeleteWow awesome
ReplyDeleteVery good sir proficiency test syllabus goorchi videos cheyandi
ReplyDeleteThank you sir
ReplyDeletemeeru ma devudu sir..thanq so much
ReplyDeleteDirect Speech & Indirect Speech Statements, pttaledu sir..plz upload cheyyandi
ReplyDeletethank u very much sir
ReplyDeleteThank you very much sir
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this wonderful notes sir
ReplyDeleteThank you very much sir👍
ReplyDeleteSpeechless sir thank u
ReplyDeleteThank you so much sir
ReplyDeleteIt's working sir. But plz confirm Methodology, u mentioed for SGT aspirants. What about SA aspirants? Plz suggest on this sir ...
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DeleteYou do wonderful job sir.I owe you a lot sir.Your videos helped me to get 3rd rank in zone-I in APSWREIS TGT English
ReplyDeleteExcellent...Very useful to dsc aspirants.
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DeleteThq sir 🙏
ReplyDeleteThank you sir
ReplyDeleteGood evening sir. Inter. poems and proses prepare avvala Leda 6th to 10th poems and proses prepare avvala please reply to me sir
ReplyDeleteSure ga avvali
DeleteSir e classes ki money ela pay cheyali
ReplyDeleteThank u so much sir.iam anantapur. We don't have any institutions to give coaching for dsc english.sir ur blog and ur videos are soo much for us to prepare
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May I know your name Please...As I am also from Anantapur, we Could start serious preparation and exchange knowledge and get ready for DSC 2020...You can reply on my Email:
DeleteSir sa methods pdf sir
ReplyDeleteSir,Is there content for paper ii yet.
ReplyDeleteGd evng sir, i took SGT method... SA Method also needed sir...
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ReplyDeleteThank u so much sir. Your classes are very helpful.
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Thank u soooooo much sir
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ReplyDeleteGood morning sir. DSc SA eng ki sambandinchi e total syllabus ni PDF roopam lo kavalantey em cheyali sir, please sir reply sir
ReplyDeleteGood morning sir my name is Ramesh sir. I want all these material in PDF method sir, how can I get it sir, please reply sir
ReplyDeleteThank u so much sir
ReplyDeleteHi sir... I'm Ramya from WG Dt I have Completed in distance mode and also have completed my MA Eng in a regular mode. Now I'm pursuing BEd and appeared I-SEM exams. My methodologies in BEd are English and Social. Now onwards I wanted to prepare seriously for TET and then DSc. Am I eligible for SA? Please guide me sir...
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DeleteOde elegy sonnet epic
ReplyDeleteV V GOOD SIR , made English grammar very easy
ReplyDeleteSir. Your explanation is really excellent . Could you give notes about UGCNET ENGLISH sir.
ReplyDeleteThank you sir it will be very easy explanation
ReplyDeleteSir excellent job sir, me classes super ga unnai sir chala mandiki mi classes valla manchi use avtundi thanks you keep it up sir
ReplyDeleteVery nice thank you 💐
ReplyDeleteHey Nice Blog!!! Thank you for sharing information. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, waiting for a more new post.Your article on 4 Types of Sentences really looked nice and great because in this way we can learn a lot of things . Keep Blogging!
ReplyDeleteThank you ☺️
DeleteExcellent show, this was really interesting. Inspiring writings and I greatly admired what you have to say . Much simplified explanation on topic of English Grammar Basics . Great work and thank you so much for your generosity.
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ReplyDeleteNo words to praise you sir.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your help , I never forget you 🙏🏻🙏🏻
ReplyDeleteI admire your courage and positive outlook towards your passion which is writing. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience. Well explained the topic Types of sentences .This is really inspiring especially for bloggers.
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ReplyDeleteIpaid for SA methodology zoom classes but not opening sir please reply sir
ReplyDeleteSir gd mrg ur videos are very useful to me thank u very much and thanks a lot sir
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ReplyDeleteSir namasthe me classes anni chalabagunnae asalu coaching lo kuda ela chepparu Miru rasina notebooks sa English pdf totalga entha cheppindi sir
ReplyDeleteName A munibabu
ReplyDeleteSir please tell me sir how to buy us pdf files what is the upid sir I want ur pdf books please tell me any body
DeleteGood afternoon sir
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i paid amount for zoom classes but links are not opening...
please give us solution and respond to us plz...
Methodology pdf file and video links open avuthunnaya.
DeleteJilekha, /786
ReplyDeletejilekha, /786
ReplyDeleteGuruvu gaaru mimmalni janmalo marachiponu
ReplyDeleteYour classes are very interesting and clarity is there sir it is useful each and everyone sir
ReplyDeleteNice Blog. Thanks for sharing with us. Such amazing information.
ReplyDeleteHow Students can use Social Media as a Platform for Learning
I paid amount sa methodology vedio classes sir but did not open classes please respond to me
ReplyDeletePlease tell me sir
ReplyDeleteSir I paid amt for SA methodology pdf but it showing only 12 slideshows not entire content.
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon sir, miku money ela pay cheyali sir. Pls reply me
ReplyDeleteThanks For updating useful Information. Keep it up.
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Thank you sir , very useful.....
ReplyDeleteCan you information about telangana SA English aspirents sir.
ReplyDeleteSir excellent to your strength to prepare all these topics.....
ReplyDeleteThank you sir.
Hello sir... I paid for SA English methodology PDF but I didn't get the PDF, pls reply me how could I get it.
ReplyDeleteSir, l didnot study 10th and intermediate but directly I have completed my BAenglish and MAenglish through distance mood.l have completed my Bed also my methods are social studies and english. Am l eligible for DSC.pls give reply sir
ReplyDeleteSir, I paid for SA methodology classes.... But I didn't get it. Kindly give reply...
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ReplyDeletemy name is nanda kishore bethala
ReplyDeleteHello sir!
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Else ping me on my whatsapp number 8465803335- Siva sankar
ReplyDeleteGood morning sir
Sir neynu 2and 3rd class ki amount pay cheysanu kani naku ravadam leydhu grammar enka remaing class ala pay cheyali pl suggestions 19rupees pay cheysanu ala open cheyali
ReplyDeleteGud evening sir.
ReplyDeleteSir Vidya volunteer information cheppandi sir.
Good links. Thanks for them. Click this link on English Grammar.
ReplyDeleteHi sir ! Would you provide psychology English medium material for TS Tet purpose
ReplyDeleteSo nice information provided sir and would you provide psychology English medium material for TS Tet purpose sir
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